• In the rapidly evolving landscape of technical education, the year 2047 stands as a pivotal juncture for India. Therefore, it is important to offer insights on vision, plan and strategy for technical education in India, harness the potential of technical education in nation building and foresight into the innovations, challenges, and possibilities that have defined this dynamic era, while we are implementing NEP 2020.

  • Our intuition about the future is linear. But the reality of information technology is exponential.”, Ray Kurzweil, author of “The Singularity is Nearer” (2024), computer scientist, and futurist. We have entered a new age of positive feedback loops – humans are accelerating technology, and technology is in turn accelerating human development. There is an accelerated convergence of multiple classical disciplines to form new areas of advancement in a highly nonlinear way, e.g. Synthetic Biology, Data Science, and AI. This creates a demand for talent to support such advancement, and universities are at the forefront of supplying this talent. As such, we face several conundrums – how do we keep up with the emerging and evolving fields? How can we ensure we have prepared our graduates for future unanticipatable changes? Do we focus on deep skills, or do we cultivate their curiosity such that they are able to continually learn? The choices we make have wide-ranging repercussions on our educational philosophy. In this talk, we will share the National University of Singapore’s approach for our College of Design and Engineering - our desired outcomes on lifelong learning for engineers, our “no one-size-fits-all” philosophy which informs undergraduate engineering curriculum reforms, and our learnings from experiential learning programmes.

  • The IEEE Education Society (EdSoc) was founded in 1957 and is one of the oldest technical societies in the IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. It is a worldwide community of professionals dedicated to ensuring high-quality education in science and engineering. The field of interest of EdSoc is the theory and practice of education and educational technology involved in the effective delivery of domain knowledge of all fields within the scope of interest of IEEE. 

    The EdSoc is an international organization that promotes, advances, and disseminates state-of-the-art information and resources related to the Society’s field of interest and provides development opportunities for academic, industry and government professionals. The EdSoc strives to be the global leader in engineering education. 

    “The IEEE Education Society: overview and challenges for the future of Engineering Education” introduces the IEEE Education Society (Structure, Publications, Conferences, Chapters and Members) and deals with the main challenges facing Engineering Education in the future.